When you shop at other small businesses, you might notice that they charge different prices depending on which payment method you use. It’s often cheaper to pay with cash, and more expensive to pay with a credit card.
This is because credit card companies charge businesses for allowing their customers to use this payment method, and many small businesses already have a small profit margin. Passing the fee on to customers – who can choose to pay cash to avoid the fee – helps small businesses keep their doors open.
At CSI Accounting & Payroll, we’ve worked with small business finances for over 50 years. That means we’ve answered plenty of questions about surcharges, including:
As we mentioned, small businesses prefer cash payments to avoid credit card surcharges, which are fees imposed on the business by credit card companies for charging credit cards. They are essentially processing fees.
How much do credit card companies take from businesses? Since they take a certain percentage of each purchase, it depends on a business’s sales. They can lose 2-3% of each purchase to Mastercard or Visa, or they can lose 3.5% to American Express.
This may not seem like a lot for a small purchase, but it adds up quickly if a majority of a business’s sales are paid by credit card. This applies to most industries, but especially small retailers.
Most search results around this topic are from customers who are upset that they are being charged extra to use their cards. They can’t believe it’s legal – so, is it?
It’s legal in the United States for credit card companies to add a surcharge to business transactions.
It’s also legal in most states for businesses to pass these fees to their customers. (It’s not legal in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma, so look at alternatives in the next section if you’re in these states).
There are a few rules from the credit card companies that you need to follow, though, if you want to pass the surcharge to your customers. These include:
Remember, you also cannot do this if you’re in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma. However, you may consider alternatives in the next section.
To pass those credit card surcharges on to your customers, you need to follow the rules above. Then, you will either need to manually add these fees each time a customer pays by credit card, or you can pay for a third party to automate it.
While no third-party surcharge service is exactly the same, they will often charge a small fee for their service. It’s still cheaper than the small business paying the surcharges, and it cuts down on the repetitive labor of manually entering those fees.
Not a fan of either of those options? Luckily, there are alternative solutions! They are essentially different ways of doing the same thing. Please do your research or ask your accountant if your selected method is in legal compliance for your area.
These include minimum purchase amounts, convenience fees, and cash discounting. We’ll also talk about our recommended method.
We see this one a lot. Many small businesses only allow credit card purchases if the total is over a certain dollar amount.
The pros:
The cons:
If you do a lot of business online, this can help close the gap of credit card surcharges! Just make sure to disclose the fee prior to the purchase.
The pros:
The cons:
This is when there are two prices listed – a default price for credit card purchases, and a discounted one for cash purchases. It can be thought of as a reward instead of a consequence, which makes for happier customers!
The pros:
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Even if payment isn’t due immediately, sometimes it’s better to get 96.5-98% payment now with a credit card (factoring in the surcharge) instead of a 100% payment with cash later. It’s up to you!
As we mentioned, with the cash discounting method, you need to raise the default price of all items. However, you can just build the cost of credit card surcharges into the default price of all items and then not offer a cash discount or add any fees in.
We believe many businesses are already following this method, and it goes around many technicalities and legalities.
The pros:
The cons:
Some advice that we offer is based on what we think is best for all small businesses, based on our 50+ years of expertise.
However, when you partner with a year-round accounting service like us, you also get advice that’s curated for your business’s unique situation. This means we can help you way beyond tax season!
Now that you know what credit card surcharges are, how they’re legal to pass on to customers in most states, and alternative solutions to make up for these fees (including our recommended method), are you ready to check out monthly accounting services?
If so, please consider CSI Accounting & Payroll! To see if we can be a good fit for your business, click the button below for a free consultation:
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