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How to Prepare Your Business For This Tax Season

December 4th, 2022 | 6 min. read

By CSI Accounting Staff

It's that time of year! With tax season just around the corner, it's time to start getting ready to file.

How prepared are you? Have you given your accountant all of your information for the year? Has your accountant given you an estimate of your tax liability as things stand currently? Have they told you everything you need to do before December 31st to reduce your tax liability?

Tax season can mean extra stress for your business. Luckily, CSI Accounting & Payroll has seen thousands of clients learn that putting in a little effort in advance can save a lot of time come tax season.

The following article (and Small Business Accounting Kit!) will help get you through it by tackling these four critical pieces of tax season:

  • Important due dates
  • Essential financial statements
  • A tax checklist for organization
  • When to contact your accountant


Note: The Small Business Accounting Kit is intended to help you get through every point mentioned in this article. Download it for free by clicking the image below!

1. Be Aware of the Important Dates

Do you know when to make estimated quarterly payments? How about when to file certain forms? When filing taxes, there are several different due dates that you need to keep in mind. For the most part, many stay the same year after year, but due to variations in the calendar for weekends and holidays, they can shift.

If you aren't confident in your knowledge of due dates, our Small Business Accounting Kit contains all of the dates you need.

2. Have an Understanding of Essential Financial Statements

The following financial statements are extremely important for you to be able to comprehend and use:

  • Income statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Cash flow statements

Do you have a full understanding of what they should contain and what they tell you? Our Small Business Accounting Kit can help you understand these documents in simple terms.

3. Keep a Payroll Checklist to Stay Organized

Organization is key. With so much information to keep track of, how can you make sure you stay on task? Our Small Business Accounting Kit gives you several checkpoints on:

  • Checking employee information
  • Reporting special procedures
  • Reporting additional compensation and benefit information

Check off each point to make sure no important information is left out.

4. Know When to Contact Your Accountant

Whether you currently work with an accountant for your small business or you’re wondering if you should be, many business owners don’t realize that reaching out for help prior to a business decision (even a small one) can result in:

  • Tax savings
  • Cost cutting
  • Profitability improvement
Our Small Business Accounting Kit provides a list of when you should be in contact with an accountant. Here are some more examples of when you should contact your accountant.

Be Ready For Tax Season Ahead of Time

Get a jump on tax preparation and accounting for your small business! Your prior tax year information should be put together before you file.

The Small Business Accounting Kit includes:

  • Payroll checklist
  • Tax return calendar
  • Tips on how to read and use your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement 
  • Advice on when to contact your accountant

Make this the year you stay on top of your accounting. Click the image below to download your kit today!

Partner With an Expert to Tackle Tax Season

It's not too late to improve where you stand. With the Small Business Accounting Kit, we hope you feel empowered to reach out to your accountant or take the best stab at tax season that you can. Remember, putting in a little effort in advance can save a lot of time come tax season.

If you're in the market for a partner... Did you say "tax preparation and filing"? You're speaking our language! We're happy to walk you through our process to save you time - and therefore money - because we know your time is probably best spent operating your business.

Contact us today, and make this tax season your easiest tax season yet! Click the button below for a free consultation.

Not ready to talk? That's okay! You can learn even more about tax season - and taxes in general - by clicking the image below:

CSI Accounting Staff

This article was composed by a member of our staff who interviewed our experts to get the facts straight. Any uncited information found here came straight from a knowledgeable accountant or payroll specialist.